Sabberthread für Kate Mulgrew

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Re: Sabberthread für Kate Mulgrew

Beitrag von Janey »

Anticipation. #25YearsOfVoyager

Quelle: Kate Mulgrew Facebook
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Re: Sabberthread für Kate Mulgrew

Beitrag von Janey »

Thought I’d dust off my uniform (pips, badge, & boots!) in celebration of the 25th anniversary. 🍀 Kate #25YearsOfVoyager #StarTrekVoyager #StarTrek #CaptainJaneway #VoyagerMemories
Quelle: Kate Mulgrew Facebook
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Re: Sabberthread für Kate Mulgrew

Beitrag von Janey »

Kate wird in den nächsten Tagen in See stechen mit STAR TREK: THE CRUISE. Zum 25. Jubiläum von VOY sind auch viele Cast-Member mit dabei.

AUSSERDEM: Es wird eine Doku zu VOY geben (wie zuvor bei DS9). Erste Interviews werden während der Reise gemacht. :)
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Re: Sabberthread für Kate Mulgrew

Beitrag von BSGFreak »

...und wo zeigen sie die Interviews?

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Re: Sabberthread für Kate Mulgrew

Beitrag von Janey »

Ich denke mal wie bei der DS9-Doku auf einer Blu-ray, die man nur in den USA kaufen kann... (Region Code)

Hier der Artikel dazu:
Dailystartreknews on VOY documentary
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Re: Sabberthread für Kate Mulgrew

Beitrag von BSGFreak »

The producer of the Star Trek: Deep Space Nine documentary What We Left Behind has announced that filming is to start soon on a new Voyager documentary.
David Zappone, the producer behind such Star Trek documentaries as The Captains, Chaos on the Bridge, and For the Love of Spock, in addition to What We Left Behind, made the announcement on Twitter on Friday. He said, “I asked if people were interested in seeing in a 25th Anniversary Star Trek Voyager documentary, and the answer a resounding YES! Happy to announce that we kick off filming on [the Star Trek cruise].”

This is Voyager’s 25th anniversary year. It was back on January 16th, 1995 that the show premiered, breaking previous Trek boundaries with the franchise’s first ever female captain. Voyager went on to run for seven seasons, with the last episode airing on May 23rd, 2001. The series won 33 awards in its seven years, including 7 Primetime Emmys. The story even had a material impact on the currently-running series Star Trek: Picard, which saw the return of Jeri Ryan as her Voyager character Seven of Nine.
There are no details yet about a possible time frame for release, but if previous, similar documentaries are an indication, they’ll probably film throughout this year, including at the major conventions like Star Trek Las Vegas...putting the film’s release next year at the earliest.

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Re: Sabberthread für Kate Mulgrew

Beitrag von BSGFreak »

Titan Books Announces The Autobiography of Kathryn Janeway, in Time for Star Trek: Voyager’s 25th Anniversary

Just in time for the 25th anniversary of the premiere of Star Trek: Voyager, publisher Titan Books has announced the release of The Autobiography of Kathryn Janeway, available next summer.
A piece from reports that Titan Books made the announcement at Destination Star Trek over the weekend.

The Autobiography of Kathryn Janeway follows in a series of “autobiography” books set in the Star Trek universe. Prior books include The Autobiography of James T. Kirk, The Autobiography of Mr. Spock, and The Autobiography of Jean-Luc Picard. This instalment is “edited” by veteran Star Trek novelist Una McCormack.

In the book, according to, “We get to hear the story of one of Starfleet’s greatest captain in her own words.
We’ll hear her side of the story about how she and her crew traveled further than any human ever had before, stranded decades from home while encountering new worlds and species.
Explore how she brought together Starfleet and the Maquis as part of her crew, forged new alliances with species across the galaxy and overcame one of Starfleet’s greatest threats – the Borg – on their own remote and hostile territory. And, we’ll get Janeway’s personal take on key characters such as Seven of Nine, her trusted friend Tuvok, new arrivals like Neelix and her second-in-command, Chakotay.”

The Autobiography of Kathryn Janeway is due to be released on July 14th, 2020.

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Re: Sabberthread für Kate Mulgrew

Beitrag von Janey »

Ui. Das klingt super spannend. Packe ich auf meine Shopping Liste. :) Danke für den Hinweis. :)
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Re: Sabberthread für Kate Mulgrew

Beitrag von Janey »


Letter to my fellow Pandemicites,

All of the words and phrases du jour have already become cliche: unprecedented, social distancing, mitigation, quarantine, isolation, sheltering in place. They are clear, arresting words that evoke any number of sensations, depending on the hour, the news of the moment, the behavior of your loved ones. They are new words, quickly aging. To me, it is both fascinating and absolutely astounding that we have been united globally by a virus that allegedly emanated from a wet market in Wuhan, China.

It could be called: a wee bat shat and it was felt around the world.

We are in this together and we will climb out of it together. There are choices to be made. Big ones: will I be philosophical about this, or will I be furious? Will I be patient, or will I be impossible? Will I grow or will I atrophy?

Small ones: will I make the bed every day? Will I plan and execute interesting meals? Will I take a walk in the early morning and watch the sun, unmoved by this pandemic, untouched by our despair, rise as it has done for the past 4.5 billion years?

We are, in ourselves, utterly insignificant – but what we do with that knowledge is what raises us above the rest of the animals.

So I say: in this time of extraordinary challenge, exercise your right to be deeply human. Be surprised by your own generosity of spirit. Don’t be afraid of fear, confusion or anxiety. We are living through an Unknown Pandemic, and we have every right to be unsettled.

I have a suggestion. It is something that has always worked for me and might work for you, but you need to give it a good shot. A few hours of uninterrupted quiet. Enforced discipline, if you will.

Read. Start big, too, because life is short, and once you start you will probably find that you cannot stop. The following books have led me through more catastrophes and heartache than I can possibly count, because their authors understood the essential drama of being flawed, of yearning for love, of courage, of being deeply human.

Here’s a partial list of my all-time favorites. Try them. If you don’t come out of this a better human being, you will certainly be a wiser one. Bring new meaning to ‘sheltering in’.

In Search of Lost Time by Marcel Proust
The Brothers Karamazov by Fyodor Dostoyevsky
Speak, Memory by Vladimir Nabokov
The Country Girls Trilogy by Edna O’Brien
War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy
That They May Face the Rising Sun by John McGahern
The Rachel Cusk Trilogy:
I’m currently working on a novel, so that takes me temporarily off the hook. Which is to say, I’m reading Harlan Coben for my sins.

Stay in, stay horizontal, feed your ravenous brains.

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Re: Sabberthread für Kate Mulgrew

Beitrag von BSGFreak »

Also tonight is the first ever “Spirited: Cocktails with Kate in the Time of Coronavirus”

This special event is hosted by Captain Janeway herself, Kate Mulgrew, and gives 6 fans the opportunity to take part in a virtual Zoom happy hour.

To enter, says Mulgrew on Twitter, “Please write no more than 3-4 sentences about how this period of enforced isolation has changed you, your life, and your perceptions of our society, and send your submissions to

Every week I will choose six of the best submissions and invite those people to a Zoom meeting, where we will pour a glass of wine (or your chosen spirit!) and have a nice chat.

Perhaps some of my Trek friends will drop by and join us! You never know who may pop in.”

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Re: Sabberthread für Kate Mulgrew

Beitrag von Janey »

Ja. Das habe ich auch schon gesehen. Schöne Geste.
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Re: Sabberthread für Kate Mulgrew

Beitrag von Ronon »

Kennt ihr auch die Seite wo sie ihr neues Buch vorstellt?
Ronon: Einsatzbericht: Michael hat Atlantis überfallen, wollte die Stadt in die Luft jagen, haben ihn aufgehalten. Ende des Berichts.

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Re: Sabberthread für Kate Mulgrew

Beitrag von BSGFreak »

Mulgrew, How to Forget gibt es doch schon länger, oder?

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Re: Sabberthread für Kate Mulgrew

Beitrag von Janey »

Ja. :) Mittlerweile läuft ja nicht mehr alles über die Fanseite Totally Kate. Jetzt hat Kate Profis, die für sie Social Media managen und die Webseite für ihre Bücher.

Derzeit arbeitet sie einem Novel!
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Re: Sabberthread für Kate Mulgrew

Beitrag von Janey »

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Re: Sabberthread für Kate Mulgrew

Beitrag von Janey »

Kate gestern im Livestream auf am Star Trek Tag! Happy 54th, Star Trek!

Star Trek Voyager Panel. Kate Mulgrew]
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Re: Sabberthread für Kate Mulgrew

Beitrag von Janey »

Breaking NEWS. Gerade läuft die Home Edition der Comic Con New York.

Janeway kehrt zum Trek-Universe zurück in der animated Nick-Serie "Star Trek: Prodigy". :)

Zum Panel

Darauf hab ich gewartet. :) :wav: :wav: :wav: :wav:
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Re: Sabberthread für Kate Mulgrew

Beitrag von BSGFreak »

kate-mulgrew-star-trek-prodigy (1).jpg
Kate Mulgrew to return to Star Trek as Captain Janeway in the upcoming Nickelodeon animated series Star Trek: Prodigy
by Chris Peterson

Yesterday’s Star Trek Universe panel during the virtual New York Comic Con revealed a pretty big surprise.

Star Trek: Voyager’s Kate Mulgrew will reprise her role as Captain Kathryn Janeway in the all-new animated series Star Trek: Prodigy, set to air exclusively on Nickelodeon in 2021.

Developed by Emmy Award winners Kevin and Dan Hageman, Star Trek: Prodigy follows a group of lawless teens who discover a derelict Starfleet ship and use it to search for adventure, meaning and salvation. While we don’t know much more about the new series, we do know that Captain Janeway will be there to guide the wayward teens on their journey.

In the panel, executive producer Alex Kurtzman announced the addition of Mulgrew’s character to Star Trek: Prodigy, saying, “Captain Janeway was held to a different standard than her predecessors. She was asked to embody an inhuman level of perfection [...] but showed them all what it means to be truly outstanding. We can think of no better captain to inspire the next generation of dreamers on Nickelodeon, than she.”

A special announcement from the crew of #StarTrekProdigy! #StarTrek
— Star Trek (@StarTrek) October 8, 2020
Kate Mulgrew was on hand for the announcement and told audiences just how excited she is to bring Janeway back to Star Trek in an animated format. “I have invested every scintilla of my being in Captain Janeway, and I can’t wait to endow her with nuance that I never did before,” Mulgrew said during the panel. “How thrilling to be able to introduce to these young minds an idea that has elevated the world for decades. To be at the helm again is going to be deeply gratifying in a new way for me.”

If you weren’t able to catch the announcement during the streaming event, no worries. The full panel is available to watch now at the New York Comic Con channel on YouTube.

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Re: Sabberthread für Kate Mulgrew

Beitrag von Janey »

Yupp. Das war eine Überraschung. :D
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Re: Sabberthread für Kate Mulgrew

Beitrag von Janey »

Tolles Interview mit Kate und Bob Picardo! Im Rahmen der Planetary Society. Sehenswert!
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